Full-Size Freezers
Showing products with:
american-biotech-supply + 30-36_depth + 0to-30_temp
Every full-size laboratory freezer we have available. This includes dual refrigerator / freezers.
How cold do our freezers get? Anywhere from regular cold to ethanol popsicles* cold. Use the handy filter menu if you're looking for a freezer that can hold a specific temperature.
(*We don't actually recommend making popsicles out of ethanol.)
On sale
Mechanical thermostat, keyed door lock, 30 cu ft, -15°to -25°C
based on 1 review
$6,896 USD
$6,477 USD
On sale
Microprocessor, digital controls, alarms, 14 to 30 cu ft, -15°to -25°C OR -27°to -33°C
$4,100 USD
$3,489 USD
On sale
Mechanical thermostat, Keyed door lock, 14 to 17 cu ft, -15°to -25°C
$2,572 USD
$2,445 USD
On sale
Microprocessor, Touch Screen controls, alarms, 30 cu ft, -15°to -25°C OR -27°to -33°C
$15,586 USD
$12,431 USD